ESG 2024 頁首
Sustainable Futures
ESG 2024 永續經營1
Sustainability Management

Sustainable Management Organization

MPI established the ESG Committee, chaired by the President and comprising 13 senior executives from various operational centers/offices. The Committee is responsible for coordinating corporate sustainable development strategies and goals, setting short, medium, and long-term sustainability management goals and performance metrics, and reporting to the Board of Directors at least once a year. Additionally, task forces are formed based on the relevant departments corresponding to each field. Besides conducting the annual identification of ESG risk assessments and response measures, these task forces work together to achieve the sustainable development goals set by the committee, executing sustainability actions in phases.

Organization Chart of ESG Committee

EN 1

Major Duties of ESG Committee and Teams

ESG CommitteePlan strategies and goals for sustainable development; establish annual management approaches and implementation plans for sustainable development; and supervision and audit of performance
Sustainability Promotion TeamImplementation of committee assignments, schedule planning, and data collection, analysis, and integration
Corporate Governance TeamPlanning and implementation of corporate governance, business continuity, and assessment of climate-related financial impacts
OHS, Environment, and Energy Development TeamPlanning and implementation of occupational safety, environmental management, and energy management
Supply Chain Management TeamPlanning and implementation of supply chain management, evaluation, and audit; supplier ESG and RBA-CoC promotion
Customer Service TeamConcerns about and response to active/passive customer demands and issues
Employee Affairs and Social Engagement TeamPlanning and implementation of human rights policy, employee ethics risk assessment, employee remuneration and benefits
Product R&D and Process Sustainability TeamPlanning and implementation of product life cycle assessment, response to and reduction of product/production line impacts

Stakeholder Engagement

MPI values stakeholder engagement, recognizing that the outcomes of these engagements directly or indirectly influence the company's sustainable operation direction. To understand stakeholder levels of concern regarding corporate sustainability and ensure effective communication, we provide appropriate and diverse communication channels. We also integrate stakeholder identification across various ISO management systems, using both active and passive modes to collect and investigate.

StakeholdersConcerned IssueMajor Communication Channel2023 Communication Results

  • Occupational Safety

  • Labor and Human Rights

  • Ethical Integrity

  • Employee Development

  • Workplace Welfare

  • Quality Management

  • Occupational Safety and Health Committee Meetings (Quarterly)

  • Satisfaction Survey (Once a Year)

  • ESG Questionnaire Survey for Specific Targets (Once a Year)

  • Internal Feedback Mailbox (Permanent)

  • Complaint Hotline and Mailbox (Permanent)

  • Held 4 Occupational Safety Meetings

  • Held 2 Welfare Committee Meetings

  • Distributed a total of 1,683 Employee Satisfaction Surveys

  • Received a total of 43 ESG-related Issue Surveys

  • Received 25 submissions through the Internal Feedback Mailbox

Shareholders / investors

  • Corporate Governance

  • Business Performance

  • Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Annually)

  • Institutional Investor Conference (Irregular)

  • Various Communication Meetings (Irregular)

  • Investor Relations Hotline and Mailbox (Permanent)

  • Held 1 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

  • Held 9 Institutional Investor Conferences

Customers / Distributors / dealers

  • Green Products

  • Greenhouse Gases

  • Quality Management

  • Supply Chain Management

  • Business Continuity

  • Ethical Integrity

  • Customer Meetings (Irregular)

  • Satisfaction Survey (Annually)

  • Audits/Questionnaires (Irregular)

  • Business Service Desk (Permanent)

  • Agent/Distributor Meetings (Irregular)

  • Conducted 13 Evaluations and Audits

  • Responded to 146 Questionnaires

  • Conducted 63 Supplier Capability Assessments

agencies /

  • Environmental Energy

  • Greenhouse Gases

  • Occupational Safety

  • Social Responsibility

  • Corporate Governance

  • Regulatory Compliance

  • Official Documents/Letters (Irregular)

  • Communication Meetings (Irregular)

  • Audit and Inspection Meetings (Irregular)

  • Stakeholder Contact Point (Permanent)

  • Received a total of 124 Official Documents / Letters

  • Conducted 13 Audits and Inspections

Suppliers / contractors

  • Quality Management

  • Supply Chain Management

  • Business Performance

  • Regulatory Compliance

  • Exchange and Audit Meetings (Irregular)

  • Evaluations/Assessments (Annually or Quarterly)

  • Questionnaire Surveys (Irregular)

  • Procurement Relations Contact Point (Permanent)

  • žConducted 31 Supplier Evaluations and Assessments

  • žHeld 9 Audit Communication Meetings

  • žCompleted 14 Questionnaire Surveys

Community residents / nonprofit

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Switchboard and Community Contact Point (Permanent)

  • Official Documents/Letters (Irregular)

  • Received 2 Official Documents / Letters

  • Held 11 Feedback and Communication Meetings

Management of Material Topics

MPI has consistently facilitated effective communication with various stakeholders over an extended period, utilizing the Sustainability Report to showcase significant ESG communication outcomes. In alignment with "GRI 3: Material Topics 2021," the Company conducted a dual materiality assessment, which evaluated issues based on stakeholder concern and operational impact. This assessment helped identify material topics and establish guidelines for managing performance. Each phase of this process is thoroughly deliberated by the pertinent ESG task groups and subsequently reviewed by the committee prior to final decision-making.


Selection of Concerned Issues and Material Topics

No.Concerned IssueMaterial Topic
1Green ProductsV
2Environmental Energy
3Greenhouse GasesV
5Climate Change

No.Concerned IssueMaterial Topic
6Labor and Human Rights
7Employee Development
8Occupational SafetyV
9Workplace Welfare
10Social Responsibility
11Product Responsibility
No.Concerned IssueMaterial Topic
12Quality ManagementV
13Corporate Governance
14Ethical IntegrityV
15Business PerformanceV
16Regulatory Compliance
18Supply Chain ManagementV

Matrix of Material Topics

Matrix of Material Topics
Material TopicPositive/ Negative ImpactManagement ApproachManagement Objectives
Green Products

  • Market opportunities

  • Investment costs and technological advancements

  • Supply chain complexity

  • Production efficiency challenges

  • Meet market demands for sustainability and green products by continuously developing new products

  • Focus on emerging technology development trends

  • R&D expenses account for at least 5-10% of revenue

  • Provide customized products based on customer needs

Business Performance

  • Market leadership

  • Technological innovation and R&D investment

  • Market uncertainty

  • Comprehensive testing application solutions and test interface products

  • Global market deployment to reduce operational risks

  • Ongoing global distributor and commercial partnership deployment

  • Stable revenue growth and maintaining profitability

Greenhouse Gases

  • Market demand growth

  • Compliance with government and customer requirements

  • Supply chain management challenges

  • Operational costs

  • hased completion of group greenhouse gas inventory implementation and verification

  • Setting short-, medium-, and long-term carbon reduction targets

  • Parent company continues to complete verification operations

  • Planning phased implementation and verification for subsidiaries

Occupational Safety

  • Employee satisfaction and retention rate

  • Significant legal liabilities and financial losses

  • žEnhancing occupational safety environment beyond legal requirements

  • Adhering to occupational safety and health management system standards

  • Zero incidents of disability caused by occupational accidents

  • Zero major legal violations (over NT 1 million)

  • Zero cases of occupational diseases caused by chemical exposure

  • 100% completion rate of annual employee health check-ups

Quality Management

  • Enhancing competitiveness

  • Investment costs

  • Customer trust

  • Quality control

  • Enhancing customer competitiveness through excellent products, comprehensive services, and regulatory compliance as quality objectives

  • Project completion rate of 95%

  • Customer service satisfaction of 85%

Ethical Integrity

  • Talent retention and attraction

  • Customer and partner trust

  • Legal and ethical risks

  • Adhere to the RBA code of conduct

  • Strengthen workplace ethics management by referencing anti-bribery management system standards

  • Complete labor and ethics assessments annually

  • Regularly conduct ethical integrity awareness programs


  • Customer trust

  • Internal management and efficiency

  • Technology and information security techniques

  • Contingency response costs

  • Conduct BCM risk reviews and continuous improvements

  • Gradually implement BCMS

  • Implement ISO 22301 system

  • Phased completion of verification for each BU

Supply Chain Management

  • Operational efficiency

  • Cost fluctuations and supply disruptions

  • Quality and RBA management challenges

  • Strengthen supply chain quality, social, and environmental management

  • Ensure supply chain resilience and control

  • Gradually complete RBA signing and audit investigations for key suppliers

  • Key suppliers' signing rate for restricted substances and conflict minerals: 70%

  • Qualified suppliers' signing rate for integrity and anti-corruption agreements: 80%

  • Conduct RBA investigations or audits

ESG 2024 環境永續1
Environmental Management


We are committed to energy conservation, carbon reduction, and hazardous substance reduction to minimize environmental impact. Every plant is established in compliance with the local environmental protection laws and regulations and achieves a green environment at high standard. Hence, we began to implement and passed the certification of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS)in 2016. In 2022 we passed the re-verification and obtained the certificate valid until September 19, 2025. Additionally, to enhance energy efficiency, we already implemented the ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS) in 2016 and have since maintained its operation. Over the past three years, the total electricity savings have amounted to approximately 871,509 kWh, achieving an energy-saving rate of 1.53% in 2023, which could reduce approximately 176.37 tCO2e.

EN 4
Rate of Achieved Electricity Conservation in 2021Rate of Achieved Electricity Conservation in 2022Rate of Achieved Electricity Conservation in 2023
Total Electricity Saved871,509.00kWh
Focus of Energy Conservation Actions2021-2023 Amount Invested (NTD thousands)2021-2023 Amount of Benefit (NTD thousands)2022 Electricity Saved (kWh)2023 Electricity Saved (kWh)Expected 2024 Electricity Saved (kWh)Expected reinvestment in energy-saving funds for 2024
Equipment replacement and operational adjustment3,826.202,770.10270,354.01356,299.98457,441.201,473


To effectively clean up waste, prevent environmental pollution, maintain environmental sanitation, and further realize the recycling, reduction, and de-harming of waste, we have established the “Waste Management Operation Instructions” for the sorting, central disposal, and reporting of waste by law. Based on their permits for hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste, we hire qualified contractors to handle waste clearance and disposal. We also continuously advocate waste reduction to minimize the environmental impact of our activities and ensure no environmental pollution or impact on biodiversity.

Waste CategoryTreatment20222023
Total Weight (t)Total Weight (t)
General industrial wasteReuse44.1020.31
Thermal treatment methods0.00114.07
Hazardous industrial wasteReuse0.700.00

Waste emission intensity

t/ revenue of the year (NTD million)



At MPI, the 24-hour operation of air-conditioning cooling water and the manufacturing process of production lines of plants are the major sources of water consumption, and domestic water consumption and firefighting water consumption are the secondary sources of water consumption. As we consume less water than the semiconductor industry, we are not a water-intensive business. However, we continue to adhere to our water conservation plan towards the goal of “reduction, recycling, and reuse” and emphasize the reduction of wastewater and sewage discharge. As some plants discharge wastewater and sewage due to the needs of the manufacturing process, apart from establishing the “Wastewater Treatment Operation Instructions”, we have also applied for the water pollution prevention permit by law and equipped our plants with class B dedicated wastewater and sewage treatment specialists to implement strict wastewater and sewage control so as to ensure neither influence nor impact on the biodiversity and habitats in the nearby rivers and the biodiversity in protected areas.

PlantPlants in HsinchuKaohsiung PlantPlants in HsinchuKaohsiung Plant
Water Consumption (m3)144,831.0014,811.00152,050.4211,578.99
Water Discharge (m3)79,477.003,758.5590,068.746,988.03
Water Consumption (m3)65,354.0011,052.4561,981.684,590.96

Water Consumption Intensity

Water consumption (m3)/ revenue of the year (NTD million)


GHG emissions

The annual greenhouse gas inventory serves as MPI’s assessment of overall carbon management status and as the basis for the carbon reduction plan. MPI has implemented the ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Management System and completed the initial verification of the Company’s greenhouse gas inventory in 2022. The scope of the inventory was further expanded in 2023. According to the 2023 verification results, carbon dioxide accounted for approximately 96.09% of total emissions, with Category 2 indirect emissions (purchased electricity) being the largest contributor at approximately 69.01%. Overall emissions increased by about 8.457% compared to 2022.

PlantCategory2022 (tCO2e)2023 (tCO2e)
All Plants in Taiwan

1:Direct GHG emissions and removals

2:Energy indirect GHG emissions

3:Transportation indirect GHG emissions

4:Indirect GHG emissions from purchased goods and services

5:Indirect greenhouse gas emissions from processing and use of sold products

6:Other sources of indirect GHG emissions














GHG Emissions Intensity

CO2e/ Revenue of the year (NTD millions)





GHGs2022 (tCO2e)2023 (tCO2e)
ESG 2024 幸福職場1
Happy Workplace

Human Rights Policy

We fulfill corporate social responsibility (CSR) with our best efforts, value, manage, and monitor employee human rights. Based on our “Corporate SociaResponsibility Best Practice Principles”and in accordance with the international human rights conventions, we value workplace gender equality, protect the right to work of employees, and prohibit discrimination of any forms. We have also established internal regulations including the “Human Resources Management Procedures”, “Regulations for Gender Equality in Employment”, “Regulations for Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint, and Punishment of Workplace Sexual Harassment”, and “Code of Employee Ethics and Conduct” to protect employee human rights. Violation of employee human rights will be disciplined in accordance with the “Regulations for Employee Rewards and Disciplines”. We also continuously enhance the awareness of employee human rights and arrange education and training on the RBA-CoC and prevention of workplace sexual harassment for active employees to maintain workplace human rights.

Human Rights Core ItemsImplementation ApproachManagement Measures
No forced labor

  • Forced, bonded or indentured labor, involuntary or exploitative labor is prohibited

  • Employees are entitled to resign or terminate employment at any time without any punishment, deduction of wage, or control of their personal freedom (including passport detention, etc.)

  • Investigate problems and their crux

  • Notify the top supervisor of the relevant unit to discuss the handling measures

  • Proactively notify the competent authorities of violations

  • Post-hoc preventive measures review and observation

No child labor and protection for young employees

  • Do not hire child labor under 16 years old

  • Employees aged over 16 but under 18 are not allowed to perform work that is likely to jeopardize their health or safety, including night shifts and overtime

  • If child labor is identified, remove them from job and arrange health assessment of the work environment.

  • Arrange health checkups at medical institutions for threats of physical and mental health hazards. Pay for the treatment of proven work-related ill health or injuries

  • Proceed with the resignation procedures for child labor only after there is no doubt about health condition

  • Investigate recruitment procedures for unintended use of child labor and prevent recurrence

Humane Treatment

  • No harsh or inhumane treatment for employees, including gender-based violence, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, bullying, public shaming, or verbal abuse of workers

  • No discrimination or harassment employees based on race, color, age, gender, national origin, pregnancy, religion, or political affiliation in employment practices such as wages, promotions, rewards, and access to training

  • Provide mailbox and hotline for signed and anonymous grievances

  • Stop relevant operations upon discovery of violations

  • Conduct cause investigation and remedial measures (such as correction, counseling, job accommodation)

  • Awareness education and necessary disciplines for violating departments

  • Post-hoc preventive measures review and observation

Working Hour Benefits

  • A workweek should not be more than 60 hours per week, and the remaining working hours are subject to the provisions of the Labor Standards Act

  • Wages must not be lower than the minimum wage set by local regulations. Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure are not permitted

Freedom of Association

  • Respect the right of all employees to form and join trade unions of their own choosing, to bargain collectively, and to engage in peaceful assembly and enable employees to openly communicate and share ideas and concerns with management regarding working conditions and management practices without fear of discrimination, reprisal, or intimidation

Remuneration and Benefits

In addition to abiding by the local labor laws and regulations and salary standards, we also assess the salary standards in the talents market and the industry periodically to timely adjust the remuneration and benefits for employees based on the Company’s operational performance so as to keep the median salary of non-management employees above the average in the industry and ensure the positive salary growth. In accordance with Article 19 of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, if there is profit before tax, we should allocate 0.1-15% of the profit as the remuneration for employees. In the past three years, we have allocated an average of over 10% of profit as remuneration for employees. As the expenses on employee benefits also increase every year, showing the fruit of our profit sharing with employees. More information please see the Careers.

Employee compensation to Median Ratio

(NTD thousands)
Increase/ Decrease from the Previous YearTotal
(NTD thousands)
Increase/ Decrease from the Previous YearTotal
(NTD thousands)
Increase/ Decrease from the Previous Year
Mean employee salary1,0962.33%1,21010.40%1,2160.50%
Mean annual total compensation for non-management full-time employees1,1560.17%1,2669.52%1,3264.74%
Median annual total compensation for non-management full-time employees1,0081.31%1,1039.42%1,1675.80%

Total Amount of Compensation for Employees in Past 3 Years

(NTD thousands)
Ratio to Net IncomeTotal
(NTD thousands)
Ratio to Net IncomeTotal
(NTD thousands)
Ratio to Net Income
Compensation for employees71,04810.24%127,80010.53%138,65310.57%
Net Income693,851-1,213,625-1,311,899-
Remuneration and Benefits

Retirement Allowance Program

Based on the applicability of the old and new systems (before and after July 1, 2005), we contribute the pension reserve for employees every month in accordance with the Labor Standards Act or Labor Pension Act. We have also established the Employee Pension Reserve Supervisory Committee to administer the affairs related to employee retirement to ensure sufficient coverage and confidence for retiring employees.

Pension SystemOld SystemNew System
Applicable LawLabor Standards ActLabor Pension Act
Method of Contribution2% of the total monthly salary of employees contributed monthly6% of the insured salary category of employees
Contribution AccountLabor Retirement Reserve Fund special account at the Bank of TaiwanEmployee personal account at Bureau of Labor Insurance
Total Amount Contributed (by 2023)Balance of contributed: NTD 108,285 thousandContributed pension: NTD 90,366 thousand

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational safety and health are the foundation for building a friendly environment. We obtained the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001 certificate in 2016 and passed the version change certification to the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management Systems in 2020. In 2022 we passed the verification of the OH&S management systems, and the certificate is valid until August 31, 2025. Through years of system implementation and third-party verification of system effectiveness, we spare no efforts in OH&S management.


Higher-risk factors that affect employee safety and health in the workplace are listed as monitoring items and under the routine supervision by dedicated personnel to reduce the probability of major accident hazards.

Inspection ItemFrequency
Operating environment monitoring - Dust, noise, organic matters, specialty chemicalsOnce every six months
Operation environment monitoring - LeadOnce a year
Periodic inspection of hazardous machines and equipment: Elevators, special equipment for high-pressure gasesOnce a year
Electrical equipment inspectionOnce every six months
Self-inspectionImplemented in accordance with the relevant documents and regulations
Fire inspectionOnce a year

In accordance with Articles 30 and 31 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, pregnant workers are not allowed to work at a site where lead and its compounds are spread or a harmful level of radiation is present or engage in work that involves the handling of objects above a specific weight or potential hazards on the health of the fetus or the mother. As some of our production lines involve the above conditions, factory nurses voluntarily conduct health protection assessment and healthcare consultation on pregnant workers to ensure perfect protection for both the pregnant workers and their fetuses. Simultaneously, for middle-aged, elderly, and high-risk workers with cardiovascular diseases, MPI will assess the health reports of high-risk employees. The comprehensive risk is evaluated based on age, cardiovascular risk and levels, work patterns, and overtime situations. High-risk individuals will undergo an interview to assess whether their tasks need adjustment, and regular follow-ups will be conducted.

Health checkup itemsNumber of Employees Assessed and Consulted
Special health checkups (lead, dust, noise operations, etc.)239
General health checkups1,393
Employees with concerns about maternal health hazards6
esg v2 esg報告
Sustainability Reports

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