ESH Policy
In September 2016, we passed the certification of both the OHSAS18001 for our Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) and ISO14001 for EMS. In September 2020, we passed ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. OHSMS, EMS, and ErMS enable timely and adequate conformity to regulatory requirements and customer requirements and understanding industrial standards and international trends. We are committed to:
1. Meeting or surpassing regulations and standards, including the commitment to occupational safety, health, environmental and energy protection.
2. Preventing injuries, diseases while promoting safety and health.
3. Actively engaging in reduction of environmental impacts such as waste and pollution.
4. Encouraging participation and taking the initiative with external parties.
5. Providing the necessary resources to achieve objectives set for environmental, occupational safety, health and energy initiatives.
6. Purchasing energy-saving products and energy improvement design.
7. Regular monitoring of the Continuous Improvement Programs.
Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO45001)
In our occupational health and safety management system, the Occupational Safety Department and staff are responsible for planning, implementing and supervising relevant work, education and training, and internal and external communication. In addition, we have founded the Occupational Health and Safety Committee with reference to the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The committee holds a meeting every quarter to enforce safety and health management and thereby protect the safety and health of employees. Apart from establishing various regulations for occupational accident prevention and management, such as the codes and regulations for safety and health, emergency response, contractor safety and health, and labor safety and health, we organize periodic self-inspections and safety and health educational activities and exercises required for accident prevention to raise employees’ awareness of work environment hazards, improve their emergency response ability, and ensure the effective operation and implementation of the emergency response plan.
We also periodically arrange cleaning, disinfection, work environment tests and inspections of factors that may affect employee safety and health the workplaces. We also offer free annual health examinations for employees, arrange physicians to provide in-house health consultation services, and organize health promotion activities for employees to work in a safe and comfortable environment.
Environmental and Energy Management Systems (ISO14001)
With the global rise of environmental protection in recent years and to achieve environmental sustainability, apart from abiding by the environmental and energy regulations promulgated by the government, we have implemented the Environmental Management System (EMS) and Energy Management System (ErMS).
Our EMS passed ISO14001 certification. By implementing the system, we review the environmental impact of various processes to make corrections and continual improvements. We have established a Logistic Service department to plan, maintain and continuously improve the EMS and communicate environment-related issues within, and outside of the organization. Due to product characteristics, although our production processes cause very little environmental impacts, with major pollutants include waste, emissions and effluents, to express our concerns for pollution prevention, we are committed to investing in pollution prevention equipment to minimize environmental impacts. By doing so, we hope to persistently reduce pollution impacts through effective management. By inventorying all production activities, raising the environmental awareness of employees through various activities, and establishing an annual improvement plan, we control and reduce waste, emissions, and effluents to achieve our commitment to pollution prevention and environmental impact reduction.
We implemented the ErMS in May 2016 and inventory energy-consuming items through system operation. As electricity is the main energy we consume, we are committed to energy conservation and set an annual reduction by one percent the energy performance indicator.